Home 9 Government

Cleveland Town Hall

Hours or Operation:
Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

302 E. Main St.
Cleveland, NC 27103



The Board of Commissioners meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 pm.

Agendas, with approval of the Mayor, and Board Actions are posted.  The agendas may be updated up to the time of the meeting by the Mayor.

To be placed on the agenda to speak before the Board, you must register with the Town Clerk by Monday, one week prior before the board meeting. The topic must relate to town business.

To speak during the Board of Commissioners Public Comment session, you must register. Registration includes your name, address, and topic on a sign-up sheet before the board meeting. Your presentation time is limited to three minutes per speaker. Public Comment speakers are limited to a total of four speakers per meeting. Speakers must adhere to the Public Comment Procedures adopted by the Board.


Kelly Rodgers
Town Clerk/Zoning Administrator

Rebekah Newsome
Finance Officer/Social Media Coordinator