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Board of Commissioners
The Town of Cleveland operates with a five-member Board of Commissioners, elected every four years to staggered terms. The Mayor is elected separately from the Board of Commissioners and votes only to break ties of the Board, should a board member not be present during a vote. The Mayor serves a two-year term. Each Board member is assigned specific duties by the Mayor, such as Annexation, Water & Sewer, Streets & Sidewalks, Parks & Recreation, Zoning, Personnel, Town Maintenance, and more.
In addition, the Board of Commissioners appoints the Planning Board, which also meets separately as a Board of Adjustments. You’ll find information on the website about duties of each board and specific meeting times, as well as Board of Commissoners assignments, to make it easy for you to get to the right person.
Contact us with questions or comments.
Minutes and Agendas of the Board of Commissioner Meetings can be found by clicking here.
Patrick Phifer
Economic Development
Street Lights